Volta Coach Training™

The only ICF-accredited comprehensive coach training program designed for coaching lawyers

Program Overview

Volta Coach Training™ covers both the broad foundations of coaching, as well as the specifics of coaching lawyers. Our rigorous and intensive 20-week program is delivered in a condensed format with a focus on developing practical skills, ensuring that our program graduates have the confidence and ability to begin coaching right away.

  • To ensure a cohesive learning environment, participants in the program must be sponsored and employed by a law firm, law school, or in-house legal department.

  • Following successful graduation from Volta Coach Training™, you will be certified as a Volta Certified Lawyer Coach (CLC).

  • The ICF (International Coaching Federation) is widely accepted as the primary credentialing body in the coaching industry and an ICF credential is seen as the gold standard in terms of coaching credentials. To obtain an ICF credential, you must first acquire a minimum level of training and coaching hours, and demonstrate an understanding of the ICF’s coaching core competencies and ethics. Graduates of the Volta Coach Training™ may use their training hours toward a credential by applying through the Level 1 path.

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Our program was designed by Volta’s ICF-accredited coaches and has an impressive roster of teaching faculty and mentors.

What past participants are saying.

Dates for the Fall 2025 program will be announced in early Summer.

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions: Volta Coach Training

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