Elevating professional development initiatives
We’re accelerating growth by enabling next-level collaboration with Volta coaches.
Investing in talent to drive meaningful outcomes.
By engaging with Volta’s industry-leading coaches, consultants, and facilitators, lawyers are better able to grow and develop, and achieve their unique goals.
Going beyond sessions, meetings, and workshops, our lawyer-specific content library houses over 100 podcasts, articles, exercises, and videos. These resources are tailored to enhance Leadership, Business Development, Active Career Management, and other critical business skills.
Lawyers can view available coaches and identify who best aligns with their current career goals. Avoiding the back-and-forth of email, lawyers can use the platform to seamlessly connect with their coach.
Lawyers provide input on the benefits of the resources in our library to help identify potential gaps or areas of interest.
Prioritize your lawyers’ growth and development. Elevate Individual, OnDemand, and Group Coaching engagements with our vast lawyer-specific resource library and easily accessible industry-leading coaches.
Create lasting relationships for lawyers in professional transition. Enable effective career transitions utilizing our vast library of job search specific content.
Group Learning
Facilitate small, group learning experiences with tailored pre- and post-workshop resources. Ensure workshops are targeted and focus on the most impactful content.