Sarah Alsaidi, Ph.D.


Sarah Alsaidi, Ph.D. is a distinguished psychologist, researcher, and educator with a diverse portfolio of experiences. She has a keen interest in growth and change at both the micro (individual) and macro (systemic) level. In that context, Sarah collaborates with individuals, teams, and organizations to identify challenges, guide change, and cultivate growth.

Specifically, Sarah coaches individual lawyers facing challenges with executive functioning, whether that’s due to ADHD, anxiety, stress, a learning disability, imposter syndrome, or perfectionism. Her areas of specialization include organization and goal setting, time management, addressing stress and burnout, resolving conflict, and fostering team cohesion and effectiveness.

Sarah can help identify the symptoms of stress and burnout, the causes of stress, and how to interrupt patterns that result in unhealthy cycles of stress, perfectionistic standards, and low self-esteem and self-efficacy. Having done that, she can also help individuals learn ways to bring balance and increased well-being into their lives. She aims to provide practical knowledge, accessible tools, and systems of accountability to help lawyers and their firms achieve wellness, healthy habits, and mindfulness.

A published author and speaker, Sarah is an expert in the area of identity, microaggressions, and microintervention response strategies in the context of diversity and inclusion initiatives. She developed The Microintervention Workshop, a transformative educational and healing series designed to empower both targets and allies in recognizing and responding to daily microaggressions and biases. She also co-authored “Microinterventions: What You Can Do to Disarm and Dismantle Individual and Systemic Racism and Bias.”

Sarah holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, having also earned her Masters of Education and M.A. in Psychological Counseling from Columbia. Sarah graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and Child Development from Sarah Lawrence College.