Supporting Practice Group Leaders by Leveraging 360 Assessments and Coaching
Using 360s and coaching to guide leadership development
What we’re solving for
Leadership Development
Our Process
An Am Law 200 firm sought our help when they wanted to support the leadership development of their practice group leaders.
Having rolled out a new set of core values and client commitments, the firm came to us to energize its leadership development and help it with a 360-degree feedback program that would provide individual and collective insights to the firm’s leadership.
Each practice group leader took a 360 assessment and received a thorough one-on-one debrief with one of our coaches. The firm sought to leverage the self-awareness and insights generated and to increase the impact of the 360s by having us lead a group coaching session with the practice group leaders.
We analyzed all the 360 data and derived common themes from the results. Combining structured content and facilitated discussion around key themes, we coached the group members so that they could hear and share ideas, and learn from one another.
Showing the firm’s commitment to leadership development and investment in its leaders, the firm followed up the group coaching session by providing one-on-one coaching to those practice group leaders who wanted it to further enhance their leadership and management skills.
We have supported the firm in this way twice – by administering 360s to practice group leaders and providing personalized debriefs and individual coaching support. Participants have expressed how helpful they find the 360 process. They tell us that it provides them with feedback that they would likely not receive otherwise. The 360s also provide a framework and common language, along with insights and ideas that the practice group leaders can use in their discussions as a group, as well as with the partners in their respective practices.