Using Upward Reviews to Support a Partner Feedback Program

Designing and rolling out an end-to-end process to ensure partners receive peer and associate feedback and have the opportunity for self-assessment

When an Am Law 25 law firm decided that it wanted to create a partner feedback program, the firm came to us to design and manage a customized upward review.

What we’re solving for


Leadership Development

Our Process

First, we created a pilot program for use with a large practice group in one of the firm’s key offices. The firm not only incorporated self-assessment as a key component of its program—as we recommend to all our clients—but it also took the more unusual step of giving partners the opportunity to participate as reviewers and to provide feedback to their peers.

We advised the firm throughout the design process, explaining the various decision points that impact participation and outcomes of an upward review. Knowing that the anonymity of the reviewers and the confidentiality of the feedback are essential, we helped the firm
craft a communications plan that socialized

craft a communications plan that socialized the concept and encouraged participation by all involved.

We worked closely with our technology partners to design an intuitive and user-friendly online experience for partners and associates alike. We provided end-to-end guidance to our client, advising on everything from survey and question design to the structure of feedback reports to debriefing partners on their individual results through one-on-one coaching sessions. By using an independent, externally-hosted website, we were able to help the firm reassure its associates and partners that their anonymity and confidentiality would be protected.


Based on the success of the pilot, the firm invited us to manage a global firm-wide program covering partners and counsel across its global offices. We also collaborated with the firm’s internal coaching team to provide debriefs and coaching support to partners. Having witnessed the value of the firm-wide partner feedback program, the firm has embarked on its second global program and continues to build out its training and coaching programs for partners.